About Me

About Me

I am Paulette, a wife, and a mom of four children, ages 14-23. One of my biggest struggles raising a family has been not knowing what to cook for meals, especially dinner. I find myself cooking the same dish over and over. If you need some inspiration I hope you find it here. Over the years I have collected many recipes. I designed this website to share those recipes.

Many of the recipes I share on this site are from a cookbook I created with my sisters, and other family members. The cookbook was created for a fundraiser for my husband who had a liver transplant in 2014. The recipes were given to us by many friends and family members. I will give credit for each recipe posted.

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Cras ullamcorper fermentum arcu in sed fermentum velit nulla scelerisque pharetra tristique lectus justo faucibus purus est purus gravida nibh odio ante.

Easy steps to follow

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Delicious recipes

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